Nalin Kumar Kateel, Member of Parliament, Dakshina Kannada | Bharatiya Janata Party

Nalin Kumar Kateel

A Yes We Can moment in Hyderabad

Narendra Modi in Hyderabad – Evokes an Ocean of Emotions and Passion

It was a riveting moment when Narendra Modi touched the feet of the 85 year old Mother of an active Twitter Uses R.S. Bains before opening his speech in Telugu at the L.B. Stadium in Hyderabad. He didnt stop at the ususal customary remarks but went on deliver multiple lines in Telugu while praying to Tirupathi Balaji.

In a wide ranging speech Narendra Modi spoke about how the UPA had failed on the borders, failed in the heartland, failed in its mainstay Andhra Pradesh. Mr. Modi particularly addressed the manner in which the Congress Party had botched the Telangana issue by pitting brother against brother. Mr. Modi also assuaged hurt Telugu Pride by reminding them of NTR’s legacy of anti-Congressism.

The highlight of Narendra Modi’s speech however was the manner in which he elevated the divisive debate on Secularism in a city that has had scarred past over numerous communal riots. Speaking in Hindi he said:

सरकार का एक ही मज़हब होता है – India First!

सरकार का एक ही धर्म ग्रन्थ होता है- भारत का संविधान

सरकार की एक ही भक्ति होती है – भारत भक्ति

सरकार की एक ही शक्ति होती है – जन शक्ति

सरकार की एक ही पूजा होती है – सवा सौ करोड़ देशवासियों की भलाई

सरकार की एक ही कार्यशैली होती है- सबका साथ, सबका विकास….

This is perhaps for the first time a mainstream Indian Politician has drawn a clear distinction on the role of Government as envisioned by the Constitution on the issue of Faith and the separation of State and Religion.

Narendra Modi’s articulation of India First drove clarity on the fact that:

The Government had only one religion and it was to put the Nation’s Interests above everything else

The Government had only one religious book and it was the Indian Constitution

The Government had only one faith and it was in National Interest

The Government had only one faith derived strength  – people’s strength and faith in the Republic

The Government had only one ritual to perform – the welfare of 1.2 billion Indian Citizens

The Government had only one code of conduct – it was to ensure Development for All, Welfare for All

With these words Narendra Modi wrapped up his speech on an Optimistic note to inspire the tens of thousands of youth who attended his speech that nothing is impossible and they can achieve anything in life.

Narendra Modi’s maiden campaign rally in the run up to the next Lok Sabha election is bound to shake up Andhra Politics for weeks and months to come.


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